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Welcome to my café: Facilitating a domestic abuse workshop for midwives

02 November 2014
Volume 22 · Issue 11


This paper presents how the World Café was used as a reflective learning tool to facilitate a workshop on domestic abuse for midwives. The workshop was part of a safeguarding study day for midwives and student midwives. The World Café enabled the midwives’ to draw on their experience and raised awareness of issues surrounding routine enquiry about domestic abuse. The seven design principles of the World Café were employed: setting the contexts, creating a hospitable space, exploring questions that matter, encouraging everyone's contribution, connecting diverse perspectives, listening together, sharing collective discoveries. The article outlines the preparation, presentation and evaluation of the World Café experience.

The World Café was developed in the mid-1990s as an innovative approach to collaborative thinking (Brown, 2001; Brown and Isaacs, 2005; Schieffer et al, 2004). Brown and Isaacs (2005) describe the World Café as an informal relaxed conversation about questions that matter to the participants in an informal setting. By linking group conversations, World Café accesses shared knowledge that may not be accessible through traditional methods of collaborative work, providing an informal environment for table top discussions. Brennan and Ritch (2010) suggest that World Café is a specialist form of the focus group, capturing the narrative in written form and enhancing creative thinking, expression and communication (McAndrew et al, 2012; Wilkinson et al, 2012).

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